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Youth Shooting Sports
Arkansas Youth Shooting Sports Program (AYSSP) Shooting Sports Complex, 2800 Graham Road, Jacksonville, AR

Youth Shooting Sports aims to bring the joy of the outdoors and the rewards of safely learning to shoot to young Arkansans. Have you ever considered competing in the Olympics or a national shooting championship? This program from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission could be a start.

Youth Shooting Sports has two divisions: junior and senior. The junior division is for grades 5-8 and the senior division is for grades 9-12. Home-schooled students compete in the division they would be in if they were in public school. Home-schooled students 15 or older must compete in the senior division. Trap shooting is the sanctioned sport of Youth Shooting Sports. The season begins February 1.

Any type of shotgun action is allowed, as long as the bore is 12 or 20 gauge. Release triggers are not allowed. Trap machines that throw targets at unknown angles are used. The state coordinator may specify models of trap machines for Youth Shooting Sports events. All shooters and coaches must wear appropriate eye and ear protection.

Youth Shooting Sports logo
Presenting Sponsor of Recreational Shooting of AGFC

Program Coordinator