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Arkansas Grand Slam
Grand Slam Fishing

Starting now, you have the whole year to hit your

Arkansas Grand Slam


Apply for Arkansas Grand Slam here  


How Do I Qualify?
Residents and nonresident anglers of any age are eligible to participate.  All you have to do is catch at least one catfish, bass, crappie, bream and trout between January 1 - December 31, 2023. There is no minimum size requirement. You can reel in most of these fish in Family and Community Fishing Program ponds at different times of the year.

What Will I Receive?
You’ll be rewarded with a Grand Slam sticker to add to your collection and bragging rights among your buddies! 

Bank Fishing

How Do I Submit My Catch?
Once you've caught one of each fish, you can use the form below to submit the photo and details for each of them. 


Program Coordinator

Tara Bennett Master Angler/Arkansas Grand Slam Program Coordinator

Phone: 501-604-3962