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Spring Gobbler Hunting Survey
Turkey in the woods

Spring Gobbler Hunting Survey

Thank you for your interest in aiding turkey management in Arkansas. The primary purpose of this survey is to gather more information on hunting effort, turkey gobbling, and turkey hunter attitudes and success in Arkansas. The information gathered in this survey is very helpful to turkey managers, as it complements other information collected, such as checked spring harvest and the annual wild turkey brood survey. The information from this survey will be compiled into a Turkey Program Annual report that will be available in early winter each year. This annual report will include details on this survey effort as well as information on Spring Harvest, the annual Summer Brood Survey and provide predictions for the following Turkey Season.

Survey participation has waned in recent years, but with the addition of online survey options in spring of 2019 has begun to increase. However, more hunters are still needed to assist with this survey; please help us by enlisting other hunters you know.

If you wish to participate using the online version of the survey, please click the thumbnail below to be directed to the survey. For those who wish to participate using the traditional paper survey booklet, please contact Jeremy Wood, Turkey Program Coordinator, at 501-251-7801 or to receive your booklet.