Dec. 6, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Arkansas Forestry Commission and The Nature Conservancy will hold a special public meeting beginning at 6 p.m. Dec. 12, to present and discuss future changes in forest management. The meeting will be held at the AGFC Camden office at 500 Ben Lane, Camden, Arkansas. Topics will include:
- Effects of controlled burning
- Pollinators (Butterflies, etc.)
- Wildlife openings
- Sustainable Forestry Initiative Certification
- Habitat management programs
- Programs for nearby private landowners
BBQ plates will be served for this event. To learn more about this event or register, contact one of the following:
- Daniel Browne (AFC): 870-836-5882
- Susan Nimmo (AGFC): 870-836-4612
- Clint Harris (TNC): 903-280-0948