Sept. 12, 2018
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LITTLE ROCK - The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, United States Department of Agriculture and Quail Forever will host a special workshop to help landowners bring back northern bobwhite in central Arkansas. The workshop will be held at the Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center from 6 p.m. to 8 p.m. Sept. 18.
Clint Johnson, AGFC private lands biologist in Mayflower, says the meeting will focus not only on quail habitat needs and recent work from the AGFC and its partners to help bring quail numbers rebound, but also on ways private landowners can join the effort and improve the value of their land to wildlife without heavy cost.
“More than 85 percent of Arkansas is privately owned, so partnerships with landowners are essential to help wildlife management efforts,” Johnson said. “And we have special biologists and staff dedicated to making those partnerships successful.”
Several funding opportunities are available to help offset the costs of landowners restoring habitat for quail and other wildlife species.
Johnson says the meeting will be a great introduction to some of the programs available as well as a good place to learn of the many biologists from different agencies available to help.
“The AGFC has 10 private lands biologists dedicated to helping people manage their property for wildlife for free,” Johnson said. “Seven additional biologists focused on quail also are available through Quail Forever, thanks to grants completed by the AGFC. That’s not including county extension service agents or help from the USDA.”
Dinner will be provided at the workshops for landowners who register in advance. Call 501-907-0636 to register.
For more information on AGFC's efforts to quail populations throughout the state, visit www.agfc.com/quail.