Nov. 26, 2019
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LITTLE ROCK — On November 21, the U.S. Department of Agriculture announced it is awarding $3.4 million to fund projects to control feral swine in Arkansas.
These projects are part of a joint effort between USDA’s Natural Resources Conservation Service and Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service.
Together, they hope to address the threat that feral swine pose to agriculture, ecosystems, and both human and animal health by reducing feral swine population, agronomic damage, and environmental impacts throughout the project areas.
NRCS and APHIS worked with the Arkansas State Technical Agriculture Committee to define the critical areas within the state.
According to proposals submitted to NRCS in August 2019, these projects will last for three years, and cover four regions of the state that have experienced excessive agricultural damage from feral swine.