Jan. 21, 2020
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LITTLE ROCK – The Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center and Little Rock River Market will host their inaugural Outdoor Gear Swap and Shop from 9 a.m.-noon, Saturday Feb. 22 at the Little Rock River Market Pavilions.
Central Arkansas is a great place for outdoor lovers. Whether it’s fishing, hunting, boating, biking, hiking, running or climbing, it can be done right here in Little Rock or within a very short drive.
But some outdoors pursuits require special gear that can be intimidating at first. Those who have enjoyed the outdoors for years may also find managing all their gear can be difficult as they change outdoors hobbies, keep up with new trends or just try to park the car in the garage.
Join us to trade experiences and equipment at the River Market Pavilions. Outdoors gearheads are welcome to clean out their outdoor storage and set up a booth to swap with other outdoors enthusiasts. Civic and church groups as well as individuals, and outdoor gear shops also are welcome to sell their gear outright.
If you’re just getting started in a new outdoor hobby and don’t want to make a huge investment, this will be a great place to visit with others who share your interest, get advice and recommendations, and get started on your outdoor adventure with clean, gently used, outdoor recreation gear.
Firearms are not allowed for trade or sale at this event.
Call the Central Arkansas Nature Center at 501-907-0636 to reserve a space.