Oct. 14, 2020
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LITTLE ROCK — Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet at the AGFC’s Little Rock Headquarters Thursday to vote on regulations changes concerning recreational fishing, commercial fishing and aquaculture in Arkansas during their regularly scheduled meeting.
The proposed fishing regulations changes were originally presented to the Commission at its May 21 meeting, followed by a survey to collect public input throughout June. The proposals were then formally read at the Commission’s July meeting.
“Many of these proposed changes were the result of public requests, others are necessary to benefit the resource, and some changes are being made to eliminate confusing or outdated regulations,” said Ben Batten, chief of the AGFC’s Fisheries Division.
Due to the current COVID-19 pandemic and health concerns, the AGFC central office meeting areas remain closed to in-person attendance, except by limited individuals necessary to the proceedings (i.e., commissioners, director, representatives of the media, and others as may be determined by the Commission chairman and director). The regular monthly committee and commission meetings are being held virtually in the AGFC director’s conference room, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock. The meetings will be available via video and will be live-streamed.
The meeting agenda and highlighted regulations changes to be voted on are available at www.agfc.com/en/education/calendar/commission-meetings/monthly-commission-meeting-2020-10.
Visit https://youtu.be/DNfPTTpgUKY to view the meeting, beginning at 9 a.m., Thursday. The Wednesday committee meeting and previous commission meetings are available at www.youtube.com/c/ArkansasGameandFishCommission/videos.