Feb. 10, 2021
Matt Schroeder AGFC Regional Fisheries Biologist
MAYFLOWER — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Habitat for the Holidays Program supplies anglers throughout the state with used and leftover Christmas trees to sweeten up their own fishing locations, but anglers at Lake Conway’s Lawrence Landing saw a bonus batch of trees thanks to Lowe’s home improvement store in Conway.
This year Lowes in Conway had a surplus of unsold trees they needed to dispose of. AGFC fisheries biologists were happy to tell them to drop the Christmas trees off at Lawrence Landing, the established site for the annual habitat program. Lowes dropped off more than 100 Christmas trees the second week of January. By the first week of February, anglers had whittled this pile down to just 40 trees. Biologists used the remaining trees to create seven new locations at Lawrence Landing for bank and boat anglers to enjoy. The tops of most of the trees currently are visible at the water's surface to make locating them easier for bank anglers without GPS/Sonar units.
Five MossBack brand artificial structures also were added to the lake by the AGFC, this time along the bank fishing area at Adams Lake Access. These structures have been used on other lakes in the state and provide anglers with fish-holding habitat close to the bank and last for years.
All fish attractor locations will be added to the AGFC’s interactive map and the Lake Conway brush pile sonar files, available at www.agfc.com/en/fishing/where-fish/fish-attractors.