April 13, 2022
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LINCOLN, Arkansas — The artwork for the fourth edition of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp will be unveiled in a ceremony at the Historic Cane Hill Gallery at 2:30 p.m. April 16.
The event also will be streamed live on the Historic Cane Hill Facebook page at www.facebook.com/historiccanehill.
More than 120 pieces of artwork were submitted from artists in this year’s inaugural contest, which ran from December-February. Any artist 12 and older was encouraged to submit original artwork depicting northern bobwhite in their habitat. Judges for the contest included experts in quail biology and habitat as well as professional artists.
In addition to being displayed on the AGFC’s Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp, the winner, runner-up and third-place entries all will receive a cash prize. The winning artwork also will be on display alongside a special exhibit from the Smithsonian on habitat that is being presented at Historic Cane Hill.
The AGFC has used the funds from the Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp and Turkey Conservation Stamp to match many grants and work with partners, such as the National Wild Turkey Federation, to complete more than $1.6 million worth of habitat work in Arkansas. Fifteen projects encompassing nearly 6,000 acres benefitted from the sales of these stamps, all of which were aimed at restoring or enhancing critical habitat for quail and turkey. Mulching and thinning of overgrown thickets as well as prescribed fire have been implemented in these projects, all of which were made possible by the sale of these voluntary habitat stamps.
Visit https://www.agfc.com/en/hunting/small-game/quail for more information on northern bobwhite conservation in Arkansas.