March 29, 2023
LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Wildlife Federation has extended the deadline for its Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest. Students from kindergarten through 12th grade now may submit artwork online by April 15 through a portal on the AWF website, https://arwild.org/art-contest.
For 10 years, the Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest has encouraged students in grades K-12 to explore and celebrate Arkansas’ wildlife. The online submission process allows students, teachers and parents the ability to submit a photograph of the artwork online, rather than mail the original artwork in to be scored.
The competition is supported through education grants from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and the National Wildlife Federation.
All categories will be ranked and awarded as in previous years. An expert panel of jurors select four artworks per grade; first, second, third and honorable mention as well as an overall “Best in Show.” Winners in each grade will receive cash awards and certificates. Images of the Best in Show and all first-place winning artwork along with the entire list of winners will be announced in the summer issue of Arkansas Out of Doors magazine (a publication of Arkansas Wildlife Federation). Tentative plans are to have all winning artwork displayed at the AGFC Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center.
Visit www.arwild.org/art-contest for rules and submission details. Contact Terri Lane at info@arwild.org or call 479-601-6646 for more information.
The Overlook won the Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest’s Best in Show in 2022. This colored pencil drawing was created by Avery Henley of Batesville High School.