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Explore new fishing options during high water

April 15, 2020

JONESBORO — Another wet spring is upon us, and many anglers who rely on rivers, oxbows, backouts and bays have been met with high, muddy water that can create frustrating fishing conditions. But in a state with so many bodies of water, anglers still have some great opportunities to go fishing.

Box turtles making moves across Arkansas

April 15, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas is home to 16 species of turtle, but only two are land dwellers — the three-toed box turtle and the ornate box turtle. Box turtles are the only turtles in North America with a flexible hinge on their belly to close the front and rear halves of the shell tightly like a “box.”

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report

April 15, 2020

Brandon Treat caught this 23.5-inch brown on the White River near the mouth of Norfork River in late March. Photo provided by Kendall Jetton.

Read Arkansas Wildlife magazine for free

April 15, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — If you’re looking for something to keep that outdoor fire burning while staying your distance from others, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has you covered. Every issue of Arkansas Wildlife magazine produced during the last year is now available free.

AGFC commissioner meeting announcement

April 15, 2020

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Dr. in Little Rock.

Angling to keep your distance outdoors

April 8, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — With many states issuing orders to “stay at home” or “shelter in place,” some Arkansas anglers may worry that their favorite outdoor pursuits are in jeopardy. Although a couple of these states have ordered partial or complete halts to fishing within their borders, most, including Arkansas, are trying to keep the outdoors open for people to enjoy during this time of social distancing. Even in states with “stay at home” orders, outdoor exercise and recreation like fishing are listed as exceptions and healthy alternatives to sitting inside. People still need to be mindful of extending the same precautions they have in indoor settings when heading to their favorite fishing location. Here are a few things to keep in mind before loading the boat or car with the rods, reels and minnow bucket.

Arkansas Wildlife Weekly Fishing Report

April 8, 2020

Dale Garlin took his son, William, and his dad, Troy, on a "guys' fishing trip" to DeGray Lake recently to fishin the lower portion of the lake there. "Didn't catch a whole lot, but we had a lot of fun," he said.