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Student trap shooters convene at Jacksonville as AYSSP regionals begin

April 24, 2019

JACKSONVILLE – Schools and shooting teams from throughout Arkansas will begin converging each Friday and Saturday over the next six weeks, all hoping to unseat Bald Knob High School’s top senior division team and Nashville’s top junior squad as champions of youth trap shooting in Arkansas.

Plum thickets add cover for ground-nesting birds, rabbits and deer

April 24, 2019

Every year wildlife biologists are asked what things landowners can plant to increase habitat on their property for quail, turkeys, deer and other wildlife. In truth, one of the best species to provide essential habitat may already be on the property.

Spiders key ingredient in great trout recipe

April 24, 2019

MOUNTAIN HOME — Talk about fish recipes normally revolves around cornmeal, batter or blackened seasoning, but for fly-fishing aficionados like Denis Dunderdale, the word recipe refers to the insect imitations he cooks up at his fly-tying bench to fool fish into biting. Here’s some sage advice from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s regional educator in the Mountain Home area.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

April 22, 2019

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.

Governor signs legislation to boost feral hog control

April 22, 2019

LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas’s growing battle with the overpopulating feral hog received a boost April 19 at the state Capitol when Gov. Asa Hutchinson signed Senate Bill 460 into law as Act 991 of the Arkansas General Assembly in front of members of the Arkansas Feral Hog Eradication Task Force.

Prescribed fire promotes habitat for turkey, quail and other ground-nesting birds

April 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — As hen turkeys begin to nest and hunters continue searching for a receptive gobbler, an occasional image is shared throughout coffee shops and social media that causes hunters to cringe - a failed turkey nest sitting in an area cleared with prescribed fire. Controversy surrounding growing-season burns is ignited every year when an outdoors enthusiast happens upon such a site, but improved habitat across thousands of acres creates far more opportunities for nests and brood-rearing than the single nest or two seen after a prescribed fire.

Arkansas trout permit price increase to benefit world-class fisheries

April 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — With the signing of Senate Bill 486 on April 11, Gov. Asa Hutchinson and the Arkansas General Assembly have started the ball rolling to maintain the fantastic trout fishery that draws thousands of anglers from across the country to The Natural State each year.