Northern bobwhite ringtone available at
Nov. 1, 2017
The call of the northern bobwhite once echoed through valleys and fields throughout The Natural State, but so many people today who have grown up within the confines of urban areas have never had the opportunity to hear a quail call first-hand. Now, every Arkansan can keep a quail in their pocket, thanks to a new ringtone developed by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.
Northwest Arkansas nature center groundbreaking scheduled for Nov. 2
Nov. 1, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will host a groundbreaking ceremony for the planned Northwest Arkansas nature center Thursday.
AGFC Commissioner meeting notice
Nov. 1, 2017
You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.
Arkansas bat species declining from White-nose Syndrome
Oct. 25, 2017
Surveys conducted by researchers across Arkansas last winter found that populations of several species of Arkansas bats are beginning to fall due to the impact of White-nose Syndrome. White-nose Syndrome is a disease that affects hibernating bats and is named for the white fungus that appears on the muzzle and other parts of hibernating bats. The disease is associated with extensive mortality of bats in eastern North America
‘Deer warts’ unsightly, but rarely serious
Oct. 25, 2017
Each year, hunters scan through images taken by trail cameras, taking an inventory of the deer calling their stand location home. Leave a camera up long enough and you may wind up with a picture of a deer with tumor-like growths along its sides, back or neck.
Arkansas Weekly Fishing Report
Oct. 25, 2017
Crappie fishing continues to heat up throughout the state. With the weather expected in the next few weeks, November should be grand.
Leased Lands WMAs offer prime hunting opportunities without the high price
Oct. 25, 2017
Arkansas hunters have more than 3 million acres of publically accessible land to enjoy hunting, fishing and wildlife watching. More than a quarter of a million acres of that is privately held timber company land, available thanks to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Leased Land Program.