Sept. 4, 2023
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
BENTON — The AGFC’s Watchable Wildlife Program finished installing signs at the newly remodeled Lyle Park Access to the Saline River in Benton last week, and cooler weather on the horizon may be just the reason to make a visit.
The signs are part of a larger plan to improve the paddling experience along the Saline River, which offers fishing, wildlife-viewing, swimming and snorkeling opportunities just outside the hustle and bustle of the growing city.
“Right now the river is pretty low from lack of rain, but Lyle Park has a large pool of water where people can paddle, swim, fish and snorkel,” AGFC Watchable Wildlife Program Coordinator Kirsten Bartlow said. “When complete, the Saline River Water Trail will highlight 14 miles of the river that meanders through forests, fields and farmland right in the heart of Benton. And there’s potential to expand it even further with all the forks and feeders of the river.”
Lyle Park is owned and operated by the City of Benton and offers a boat ramp, parking area and picnic tables for visitors to enjoy. The clear water of the Saline River supports a variety of fish and aquatic life including smallmouth, spotted and largemouth bass, colorful creole darters and the Ouachita madtom, a diminutive catfish that lives only in the tributaries of the Saline and Ouachita rivers.
For more information about paddling the Saline River, visit www.agfc.com/en/explore-outdoors/wildlife-viewing/water-trails/saline-river-water-trail.