May 2, 2018
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
LITTLE ROCK - Biologists with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission presented a series of changes to regulations at the Commission’s formal briefing Wednesday, April 27, as part of the annual regulations cycle. The focus of many of these changes is to remove complicated regulations wherever possible and help people get started fishing.
“The staff has worked very hard in coming up with ways to achieve our conservation goals while reducing some of the confusion or restrictions that may cause a barrier to getting outdoors,” said Ben Batten, assistant chief of fisheries management. “Of 17 suggested changes, five are reductions in regulations, three are simplifications, three are continuations of existing temporary seasons, and two are required because of renovation work underway to reinvigorate two fisheries in the state.”
Batten said only three changes were suggested that increase a regulation, and those were deemed by biologists to be beneficial to the fisheries where they would take place.
In addition, one regulation - a prohibition on the harvest of all wild turtles - was put out to gauge public support on a petition the Commission received.
A survey has been prepared to receive public comments on these topics and any other comments regarding Arkansas fisheries. The survey will run until May 31. Actual regulations changes will be formally read at the Commission’s July meeting, and Commissioners are expected to vote on those changes In August.