Add some pluck to cooked duck
Nov. 24, 2021
JONESBORO — One of the great rewards from a day spent in freezing temperatures chasing ducks is the unmistakable flavor of waterfowl. Though many hunters use only the breast meat, a whole roasted mallard on a serving dish is a great asset to any dinner table. It takes some effort, but with a little practice a duck can quickly be turned into a main course.

Harness a safe hunt this deer season
Sept. 22, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — Innovations in gear used by bowhunters to pursue white-tailed deer continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Bows that were obnoxiously loud and required a heavy draw weight have been replaced by lighter, whisper-quiet bows thats shoot arrows lightning fast at a minimal draw weight. Arrows have become more durable, consistent and forgiving and the choices in broadheads range from traditional deep-penetrating fixed-blade heads to devastating mechanicals that cut a huge swath through flesh. Clothing comes in a wide range of camo patterns to hide the human profile from the keen eyes of a whitetail and is also designed to lessen the scent dispersion of a hunter. All these are important, but one sector of hunting gear that is vital to a safe hunt has also seen great advances. Fall arrest systems have transitioned from simple belts to harnesses that will keep a hunter safe should an unexpected fall occur.

Northeast Arkansas squirrel revival
Sept. 1, 2021
JONESBORO — Small game hunting interest may have dwindled as Arkansas’s deer herd has climbed, but many basic hunting lessons can be gained from a day in the squirrel woods. Squirrel hunting opportunities abound across the state, with public hunting within reach of most hunters.

Dove days on the horizon
Aug. 11, 2021
JONESBORO — The traditional kickoff for hunting season happens in early September as hunters take to the field in pursuit of doves. Most hunters will simply find a likely looking grain field or other feeding area and have a seat on a bucket along the perimeter and hope a few fast flying doves pass within range. This technique can provide some action, but a more tactical approach to dove hunting can yield a heavier game bag. With the investment of a little scouting time, the hunt can be much more enjoyable and effective.

Life list adds angling excitement
March 24, 2021
Lists are commonplace in our society; shopping lists, to-do lists and wish lists are found in most every household. Most lists are met with anxiety, but there is a list that each Arkansas angler should try to keep: an Arkansas fish list.

Make the most of your deer season harvest
Nov. 18, 2020
JONESBORO — Arkansas is in the midst of deer season, and skillets are sizzling with the sound of a floured piece of backstrap cooking in grease. Alongside the backstrap will likely be a skillet of fried potatoes. As soon as the backstrap is done, a bit of flour will hit the grease, followed by some milk to brew up some gravy to cover the venison and accompany some biscuits cooking in the oven.

Fall fishing heating up in The Natural State
Oct. 7, 2020
JONESBORO — As the temperatures drop and the leaves change color, the thoughts of most Arkansans turn to the pursuit of deer, ducks, squirrels and other game. Fishing is put on the back burner, but the changing seasons and dropping temperatures will spur the fish of Arkansas into a feeding frenzy that can lead to some of the best angling days of the year.