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Warren Prairie a place of recovery

Nov. 15, 2017

The pre-hunt meeting at Warren Prairie Natural Area Wildlife Management Area seemed fairly typical on the surface. Everyone met at the rally point at noon on Monday, Nov. 6, to go over the background of the day’s hunt and enjoy a cookout of hamburgers and chips. But as the five men selected for the special permit hunt began to speak, it was obvious that the routine appearance belied the true nature of the event, and the men taking place in it. Each of the men had been selected to participate as a “Thank you” for their service in the armed forces

Fifty-three elk harvested so far in 2017

Nov. 15, 2017

Arkansas hunters have taken 53 elk during the 2017 regular elk hunts, and more may be harvested by the end of hunting season, thanks to regulations passed to help contain the elk herd to Boone Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy counties.

Trout coming to community ponds for Thanksgiving, catfish season closes with prize

Nov. 15, 2017

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program is kicking off winter in style by releasing hundreds of tagged rainbow trout in program ponds throughout the state.

Former Commissioner Ralph Griffin dies at 84

Nov. 15, 2017

Ralph B. Griffin, 84, of Jonesboro, a former commissioner with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, died Nov. 11 in Memphis. He was born in Jonesboro April 8, 1933, and lived there his entire life.

Free CWD testing available on opening weekend of deer season in 11 Arkansas counties

Nov. 8, 2017

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will have voluntary biological sampling stations set up in each of the 11 counties contained in the Chronic Wasting Disease Management Zone this weekend for hunters to get their deer tested for free.

AGFC hosts Wild Game Day on Facebook Nov. 9

Nov. 8, 2017

With the opening of modern gun deer season Saturday and the start of waterfowl hunting season Nov. 18, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will go live on its Facebook tomorrow.

Weekly waterfowl report begins Nov. 15

Nov. 8, 2017

As the minutes tick away to opening day of waterfowl season, every duck hunter starts focusing on frigid conditions and starts to get geared up for the main event in Arkansas’s hunting season lineup. Coffee shops across the Grand Prairie will be showing just as much Weather Channel as they will college football as hunters keep an eye on cold fronts and rain bringing the next wave of “new ducks” to fields and flooded timber. Thanks to the work of dedicated biologists, avid duck hunters have another resource to plan for their hunts – the AGFC’s Weekly Waterfowl Report.