Buttermilk Fried Goose with Bluewing Syrup
Feb. 8, 2023
STUTTGART — With another end of duck season leaving most duck-hunting die hards in a slight state of depression, what could be better than a little comfort food using some of the geese you brought home during the last few months?

Swamp fries perfect dish for a southern supper
May 25, 2022
CASSCOE — Late spring and early summer are the perfect times to get out with friends and family to run a few jugs, limb lines or trotlines on one of The Natural State’s lakes or rivers in search of catfish. Living in the Delta along the White River provides many of these opportunities. The best part is not knowing what is on the end of that bouncing line until the angler reaches out to pull it from the water. If you’re lucky, you’ll discover a flathead catfish has taken the bait.

Crappie on the half shell
April 6, 2022
CASSCOE — As the old adage states, the dogwoods are blooming, so the crappie are biting. With that, spring is a great time to fill a cooler full of slabs. With a statewide limit of 30 crappie, a few good days of spring fishing can yield many meals for friends and family. While crappie is most often fried, there is no law that says it has to be. The mild flavor of crappie makes it a great choice for a variety of dishes. My favorite non-fried crappie dish is Cajun crappie on the half shell.

Fix up a Fowl Play Reuben for St. Patrick's Day
March 9, 2022
With St. Patrick’s Day right around the corner, we dug into the refrigerator to pull out some of the goose breasts left from last season to add some Delta flavor to a classic Irish-inspired meal. It takes some forethought to prepare the corned goose well ahead of time, but the results are well worth the wait. This play on a traditional Reuben will give you a great lunch at duck camp, too.

Go wild for your Mardi Gras celebration with this Big Easy dish
Feb. 23, 2022
Mardi Gras can be a celebration in many ways, and a feast of wild game on Fat Tuesday is how I like to celebrate. Wild game plays well into Cajun dishes due to the vast array of wild game found in the swamps of south Louisiana. Although jambalaya is a more traditional Cajun dish, pastalya uses pasta instead of rice. This easy one-pot meal can serve a crowd and can easily be whipped up on a weeknight.

Barbellycoa tacos add Latin flavor to waterfowl
Jan. 19, 2022
STUTTGART — Greater White-fronted geese (AKA Specklebelly or Barbelly) are highly sought by waterfowl hunters because they are relatively easy to decoy, respond to calls, and provide table fare second only to sandhill crane in the waterfowling world. Although it is hard to beat a perfectly seared specklebelly breast, Arkansas’s long goose season provides ample opportunity to try various recipes, and who doesn’t love taco Tuesday?