Aug. 11, 2021
GREENWOOD — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will lower the water level of Lake Jack Nolen following the Labor Day Holiday. The drawdown will lower the lake’s water level by 3 to 5 feet and should last until mid-winter.
Drawdowns are an important fishery management tool because they congregate baitfish so that sportfish may feed upon them. This increases the growth rates of sportfish such as bass and crappie. Drawdowns also allow landowners to complete AGFC approved land-use projects around the lakeshore. Landowners with lots adjacent to AGFC property are reminded that you must have an approved permit application (found in the AGFC Land Use Policy) before beginning construction of any new structures on AGFC property. During the drawdown, no vehicles or heavy machinery are allowed on the lake bottom.
Lake Jack Nolen was last drawn down in fall 2016. In the future, drawdowns will be conducted at the lake on a five-year rotation, with the next drawdown scheduled for 2026.
Please contact the Russellville Regional Office at 1-877-967-7577 and ask to speak with Frank Leone if you have any questions about the drawdown or wish to obtain a copy of the AGFC Land Use Policy.