June 28, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Lucky anglers have until the end of this month to claim their prizes.
If you caught one of the tagged catfish in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Family and Community Fishing Program’s ponds, send in the tag before June 30 to be entered into a drawing to receive a prize, which could be a half day of fishing on Beaver Lake.
Other prizes include Walmart gift cards ranging from $200 to $800.
The winners of the Beaver Lake fishing trip – courtesy of the Arkansas Game and Fish Foundation’s Steve Smith Endowment – will be announced on the AGFC’s Facebook page at 10 a.m., July 13.
Send prize tags to Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, Family and Community Fishing Program, 2 Natural Resources Drive, Little Rock, AR 72205. They must be postmarked by June 30.