June 17, 2019
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
ARKADELPHIA — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is hosting two public meetings to gather fishing-related public input on DeGray Lake. The meetings will be held from 6 to 8 p.m., June 20 and 27 at the Arkadelphia Parks and Recreation Department at 2555 Twin Rivers Drive in Arkadelphia.
The AGFC is currently reviewing and updating its management plan for the lake, which was last revised in 2013. Fisheries managers in the AGFC’s Hot Springs regional office encourage all anglers to attend these public meetings to voice their concerns and comments concerning the fishery.
The June 20 meeting will include a brief presentation regarding the current status of the lake, including the most recent sampling results and stockings. Following the presentation, attendees will be assigned randomly to small groups to discuss and record topics they feel are important to consider when moving forward with revisions to the fishery management of the lake.
Fisheries biologists will compile the recommendations gathered from this meeting and present them to attendees during the June 27 meeting. Following that presentation, the meeting will adjourn and attendees still have time to visit further with AGFC staff.
For more information about the meeting, contact the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Hot Springs Regional Office at 877-525-8606.