Aug. 24, 2022
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
EL DORADO - Those who love the outdoors are invited to the 23rd Annual SouthArk Outdoor Expo, hosted by the South Arkansas Community College Foundation from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Sept. 10 at the El Dorado Conference Center.
In addition to hands-on exhibits and outdoors-oriented activities for the whole family, organizers have packed the event with a host of fun contests, such as the Hero 5K run/walk, student art contest, and barbecue rib cookoff with cash prizes There also will be an auto show as well as a chainsaw wood-carving demonstration. Local music artists will perform throughout the day. Target shooting and archery, a Kids World, craft vendors, food trucks and much more will be available for attendees and all proceeds of this event benefit educational opportunities for SouthArk students.
Admission is one canned or packaged food item per person, which will be given to a local food pantry.
Visit www.southarkexpo.com or contact foundation@southark.edu to enter contests or register as a vendor/exhibitor.