Oct. 16, 2019
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers is taking applications from youth hunters who would like to participate in a special muzzleloader deer hunt Dec. 14 and 15 in Ozark Isle Park/Dry Run area at Bull Shoals Lake. Eight permits will be issued to hunter education graduates 15-years-old and under. Applicants must submit a completed application form, including their hunter education identification number, by Nov. 8, 2019. A random drawing to select the hunters will be held at 10 a.m. at the Corps’ project office in Mountain Home, Arkansas on Nov. 12.
This hunt provides access and hunting blinds to help youth enjoy a safe and successful outdoor recreational experience. This opportunity also helps to create an interest in conservation, the outdoors, and to develop a good hunting ethic, while improving the deer herd in this area.
An unarmed adult, over 21-years-old, must accompany youth hunters during the hunt. Youth hunters will be limited to muzzleloaders only.
Application forms may be picked up beginning Oct. 7 at the Corps of Engineers office at 324 West 7th St. in Mountain Home. Applications can also be downloaded from the Corps website and mailed to the project office. The application can be found here: https://go.usa.gov/xVAzA.