May 8, 2019
Randy Zellers Assistant Chief of Communications
STAR CITY - The Arkansas Game an Fish Commission will host a special workshop on improving wild turkey and northern bobwhite habitat at the C&L Electric Cooperative Building from 6 to 8 p.m., May 14. The building is at 900 Church Street in Star City.
The AGFC’s Private Lands Program employs 10 private lands biologists who specialize in working with private landowners to improve wildlife habitat on their property. With nearly 90 percent of the state’s landmass in private ownership, restoring habitat outside of public lands is essential to the continued health of wildlife populations.
“Private lands biologists can come out and perform a site visit to determine the best course of action for a landowner to improve their property for wildlife,” Honey said. “We will write customized plans to work with the landowner’s current goals as much as possible to make the best use of the land.”
Honey says PLBs also are able to identify which of the many cost-share incentives would be available to help landowners make those plans a reality.
“Being in Star City, this workshop will focus on ways to work with pine forest operations as well as native pasture management to get the most out of your property,” Honey said.
In addition to the overview of cost-share opportunities for landowners, presenters at the scheduled workshops will cover basic quail and turkey biology and habitat management.
Dinner will be provided at the workshops for landowners who register in advance. Call Jason Honey at 501-223-6359 or visit http://wildlife-habitat-management-workshop-may-14-2019.eventbrite.com/?s=94105757 to register for the workshop.