Deadline extended for Arkansas Wildlife Federation student art contest
March 29, 2023
LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Wildlife Federation has extended the deadline for its Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest. Students from kindergarten through 12th grade now may submit artwork online by April 15 through a portal on the AWF website, https://arwild.org/art-contest.

Art contest elevates quail conservation in Arkansas
Dec. 22, 2021
LINCOLN — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has partnered with Historic Cane Hill to gain even more awareness for northern bobwhite conservation in Arkansas by creating a special art contest to determine the image to be placed on the next edition of the Arkansas Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp.

Wildlife of Arkansas student art contest moves to online format
Feb. 17, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Once again, the Arkansas Wildlife Federation and Creative Ideas have come together to promote wildlife education through the arts in the annual Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest. For the 2021 contest, students from kindergarten through 12th grade will submit artwork online through a portal on the AWF website, www.arwild.org.

Arkansas Wildlife Federation accepting entries for student art contest
Jan. 9, 2019
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Wildlife Federation and Creative Ideas, a Little Rock-based nonprofit organization, are accepting entries into the 2019 “Wildlife of Arkansas” student art contest to help promote conservation awareness through the arts. Entries will be accepted through Feb. 15, 2019.

Wildlife of Arkansas 2018 Student Art Contest accepting entries
Dec. 13, 2017
The Arkansas Wildlife Federation and the Little Rock-based nonprofit organization Creative Ideas have come together to promote wildlife education through the arts in the Fifth Annual Wildlife of Arkansas Student Art Contest.