Avoid an un-bear-able situation
May 23, 2023
BELLA VISTA — Myron Means can just about put a pin on his calendar each year in May when the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will begin to see a rise in nuisance bear calls throughout the state.

Turkey-poaching trend troubling Arkansas game wardens
May 3, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — With last year’s increase in turkey reproduction and a strong start to the 2023 spring turkey season, biologists and staff at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission are cautiously optimistic about recent trends in Arkansas’s turkey woods. One trend that still has AGFC game wardens concerned is the continued use of bait by some poachers to illegally shoot their turkeys.

Check dove fields for bait before hunting
Aug. 25, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Dove season opens September 4, and many hunters will gather at a field of a friend or family member to enjoy the kickoff to hunting season. Others will be paying to hunt a prepared field they found through social media postings or the corkboard at the local feed supply store. Regardless of the destination, now’s the time for a little extra legwork to make sure your hunting year doesn’t begin with a blunder. Be sure to check the field you plan to hunt now to ensure baiting has not taken place.

Operation Bruin: Bear bums caught
June 20, 2021
FORT SMITH — We’ve all heard the term “shooting fish in a barrel” equated to something so easy it should be illegal. In fact, it is. Shooting any game species except furbearers in Arkansas with the aid of traps isn’t just unethical, it can land you in some hot water with the law as well as the true sportsmen and sportswomen of the state. But that didn’t keep two poachers from cutting corners during Arkansas’s black bear season.

Think twice before filling the corn feeder
Aug. 14, 2019
LITTLE ROCK – As summer begins to take its toll and the start of deer season nears, many deer hunters are beginning to think about how they can help the deer in the areas where they hunt. Many are thinking of loading a feeder with corn to help the deer through the summer stress. There is a better way.