Operation Dry Water promotes increased safety during holiday weekend
June 23, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is asking that everyone enjoying a day on the water during the Independence Day weekend to enjoy themselves responsibly and be aware of the dangers brought about by excessive drinking while aboard a boat. To help make the weekend safe, wildlife officers throughout Arkansas are gearing up for Operation Dry Water July 2-4.

Wear your life jacket to work May 21
May 19, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and its partners in safe boating throughout the nation encourage everyone to help spread awareness of boating safety by wearing their life jacket to work May 21.

13-year-old Arkansan on quest to complete Outdoor Skills program
May 5, 2021
MAYFLOWER — Spending time in the outdoors is often its own reward, a recently added program from the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission offers extra incentives to building your outdoor skills. Just ask Anthony Long-Irby of Mayflower. He’s collected nearly all the achievements the AGFC’s Outdoor Skills Patch Program has to offer at only 13 years old.

New program opens doors to natural education
April 29, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — Thanks to a new program offered through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, teachers looking for ways to incorporate the outdoors into physical education can have ready-made curriculums ready to go for the next school year. The Outdoor Adventures program created and administered through the Outdoors Tomorrow Foundation enables teachers to choose from a variety of outdoors skills to create a semester-long class that qualifies for a physical education credit.

Save on hunter and boating education courses in April
April 7, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — Kalkomey, the online source for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Hunter and Boating Education programs, is offering a special 25 percent discount on online courses for Hunter Education and Boating Education certification for two weeks in response to the coronavirus and the cancellation of in-person courses.

Spring Aboard boating education campaign offers discount for online participants
March 6, 2019
LITTLE ROCK – It may not feel like boating season yet, but the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, along with boating safety advocates nationwide, is urging boaters to #KeepYourEdge by enrolling in a boating education course this spring. The AGFC is participating in the national Spring Aboard – Take A Boating Education Course campaign. The Spring Aboard campaign encourages boaters to get educated before the kick-off of the boating season, so they can make the most out of their time on the water.

AGFC unveils new outdoors skills program
Jan. 9, 2019
LITTLE ROCK — Outdoors enthusiasts are known to wear their hearts on their sleeves, now they may have a little extra badge of honor to display their passion. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s new Outdoors Skills Program rewards beginning and veteran hunters and anglers with a special patch for their accomplishments in the outdoors.