Urban archery hunters see early success
Sept. 9, 2020
HEBER SPRINGS — Last week’s rain didn’t dampen the spirits of many archers looking to score an early-season archery deer during Arkansas’s 2020-21 urban archery season. As of Monday morning, 174 deer had been checked through the AGFC’s online checking system by hunters who passed the hunt’s requirements and got in the stand for some September hunting.

Deer hunts within city limits available to hunters in Helena-West Helena
June 24, 2020
HELENA-WEST HELENA — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, City of Helena-West Helena and Arkansas Bowhunters Association have partnered together to create an innovative solution to address expanding white-tailed deer populations near people’s homes in east Arkansas. This fall, special archery-only hunts will be allowed within Helena-West Helena city limits to remove excess deer and prevent nuisance issues the animals can cause.

Apply for Arkansas’s urban archery deer hunts
May 27, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — If you’re looking for an extra opportunity to put some meat in the freezer this fall, feed needy Arkansans and help control urban deer populations, now is the time to start planning. Registration for the 2020 Arkansas Urban Archery Hunts is open until midnight August 12 at https://www.agfc.com/en/hunting/big-game/deer/urban-archery-hunt.

2018-19 urban deer hunt application period open
May 30, 2018
LITTLE ROCK - The application period for Arkansas’s special urban bowhunts for the 2018-19 hunting season is now open. Hunters interested in participating in the Cherokee Village, Russellville, Fairfield Bay, Horseshoe Bend, Heber Springs and Hot Springs Village hunts should visit http://www.arkansasbowhunters.org/UrbanHunt to register online or contact J.D. Crawford at jd@arkansasbowhunters.org.

Murfreesboro takes top honors at state archery competition
March 7, 2018
HOT SPRINGS – The Rattler Senior High Archery Team from Murfreesboro placed one boy and two girls in the top 10 of their respective divisions and slipped away with the team title in the Arkansas National Archery in the Schools Program state championship last Saturday at Bank of the Ozarks Arena.

State Archery Championships Friday, Saturday in Spa City
Feb. 28, 2018
HOT SPRINGS – More than 1,800 archers are scheduled to compete over two days at the 10th Arkansas National Archery in the School Program State Championships, set for Friday and Saturday at Bank of the Ozarks Arena.

Archers take aim at state championship through regional tournaments
Feb. 14, 2018
LITTLE ROCK – Close to 4,200 students filed into middle and high school gymnasiums across The Natural State last weekend to take their shot at qualifying for the Arkansas National Archery in the Schools Program State Championship. Regional shoots were held in 12 locations, covering every region of the state.