Arkansas Deer and Deer Hunting Featured on Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
Oct. 5, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Join host Trey Reid and Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Deer Program Coordinator on this week’s episode of Arkansas Wildlife Podcast as they talk about all things deer. Listen in as they go in depth on Arkansas’s deer population and some of the recent harvests to explain how Arkansas hunters may just be living in the golden years of deer and how the AGFC is working to maintain high-quality habitat and deer hunting in The Natural State.

Summer course keeps archers at full draw
July 19, 2023
MAYFLOWER — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and Arkansas Bowhunters Association will hold a special “Introduction to Bowhunting and 3-D Archery Tournaments” workshop from 8:30-11:30 a.m., Aug. 5, at the AGFC’s Fiocchi Shooting Sports Complex in Mayflower (formerly known as the Camp Robinson Shooting Range).

Register to participate in one of nine urban archery hunts this fall
May 17, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Deer hunters interested in an early chance to fill their freezer and help feed fellow Arkansans can learn how to register for one of nine urban archery hunts beginning today at www.agfc.com/urbanhunt. Registration for the 2023 Arkansas urban hunts is available until early July.

De Queen Lake WMA a getaway for bowhunters, anglers
March 22, 2023
DE QUEEN – De Queen Lake WMA is a great example of partners working together to provide public access and hunting opportunities in southwest Arkansas. The Army Corps of Engineers and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission joined together in 2009 to form the WMA partnership.

First-time archer proves it’s never too late to start
Feb. 1, 2023
PINE BLUFF — Finding a place to start hunting if one doesn’t have family or friends who enjoy an outdoors lifestyle can be intimidating. Thanks to a new program through the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Gov. Mike Huckabee Delta Rivers Nature Center, six “adult onset” hunters overcame that hurdle and joined the ranks of seasoned bowhunters last fall.

5 ways to introduce new hunters and anglers to the fold on National Hunting and Fishing Day
Sept. 21, 2022
LITTLE ROCK – Join the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission this National Hunting and Fishing Day, Sept. 24, and help spread the joy of the outdoors to a new group of enthusiasts.

Take aim at an AGFC archery range before heading to the field
Sept. 21, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — With archery deer season cranking into gear Sept. 24, many hunters will be headed to the woods for the first time for the year soon. While you’re out and about in one of the many wildlife management areas throughout the state, you might notice a few additions to the facilities available for outdoors enthusiasts this year. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has been able to add a few new archery ranges to some of the WMAs, shooting ranges and parks to help archers stay on target this season.