Help trout keep their cool this summer
July 5, 2023
Arkansas’s famous trout tailwaters provide year-round action for anglers and are some of the best opportunities for trout fishing in the entire Southeast. As summer sun continues to bake the land, it also has raised water temperatures enough in some locations to cause concern with avid trout anglers.

State seeks big fish tales for tiger trout record
April 19, 2023
COTTER — Arkansas’s famed trout tailwaters are home to some of the largest trout in the world, including the 40 pound, 4 ounce brown trout caught by Rip Collins in 1992 that held the world record spot for 17 years (and still holds the world record for 4-lb.-test fishing line). Now the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will allow state record submissions for another trout species, this time for tiger trout.

Don’t tread on the redd
Nov. 10, 2021
MOUNTAIN HOME – Native to Europe, the German brown trout found in the tailwaters of Beaver, Bull Shoals, Norfork and Greers Ferry dams, typically start their spawning run during fall and winter, offering die-hard anglers a chance at some fantastic fishing. But biologists ask anglers to keep a conservation mindset when chasing these gems of the tailwater so everyone will be able to enjoy them for years to come.

Golden rainbows return to White, Spring rivers
Aug. 25, 2021
MOUNTAIN HOME — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission worked with Crystal Lake Fisheries, Inc., to stock an additional 8,000 rainbow trout in the White River below Bull Shoals Dam and 2,000 rainbow trout in the Spring River last week. Some of the trout stocked were golden rainbow trout, which have proven popular with Arkansas anglers the last few years.

AGFC to try tiger trout hybrid in Bull Shoals tailwater
May 27, 2020
MAMMOTH SPRING – Tiger trout, a hybrid of brown trout and brook trout often stocked in waters in the western and northwestern United States, will be stocked for the first time in Arkansas within the next couple of weeks, according to Christy Graham, trout program coordinator for the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission.

Anglers can find additional golden rainbows in White River
May 6, 2020
NORFORK – More golden rainbow trout have been stocked in the White River system below Bull Shoals Lake dam. About 500 of the rainbow trout that have a color variation making them appear a bright golden yellow were part of a shipment of 10,000 rainbow trout stocked Monday from the access here to other points upriver toward the dam.

AGFC to host meeting on management of Bull Shoals and Norfork tailwaters
Aug. 2, 2019
MOUNTAIN HOME - The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will update all interested anglers about trout management and habitat work on the Bull Shoals and Norfork tailwaters in northern Arkansas at a town hall meeting from 6 to 8 p.m., Aug.15. The meeting will be held at the Arkansas State University Mountain Home Campus in the McMullin Lecture Hall (Room D200) of Dryer Hall.