Biologists band together to monitor Arkansas’s Canada goose population
Aug. 2, 2023
ROGERS — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists teamed up in late June with several partners in northwest Arkansas, including the Army Corps of Engineers, Beaver Watershed Alliance and Northwest Arkansas Land Trust to herd and band roughly 280 Canada geese that had taken up residence on Beaver Lake.

Early waterfowl seasons offer sample of hunting to come
Aug. 25, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Hunters wanting an early taste of waterfowl action need to break out the shotguns and bug spray. Arkansas’s early Canada goose season kicks off Sept. 1, and the Sept. 15 teal season opener is just around the corner.

Commission pursues opportunity with ASU to expand Cypress Bayou Wildlife Management Area
June 17, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission voted unanimously at today’s meeting to authorize the agency’s director to enter into a 10-year cooperative agreement with Arkansas State University to manage a 160-acre tract bordering Cypress Bayou WMA in White County and allow public hunting access to that property under the current regulations of the wildlife management area.

Special Canada goose hunting season opens Sept. 1
Aug. 19, 2020
LITTLE ROCK – With the Sept. 5 opening day of dove season only a few weeks away, it’s hard to think about this being a good time to chase waterfowl, but hunters looking for early Canada goose action will be able to break out the decoys and chase localCanada geese earlier than even dove hunters this year.

Early Canada goose hunting season opens Sept. 1
Aug. 20, 2019
LITTLE ROCK – The dove season opener may be the highlight of Labor Day Weekend, but it’s also the first shot of the year for waterfowl hunters to break out the decoys and calls. The statewide early Canada goose season in Arkansas runs from Sept. 1 through Sept. 30.