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Give the gift of conservation this holiday season

Dec. 2, 2020

LITTLE ROCK – With online outlets taking over much of the Black Friday shopping experience this year, many people may find it more difficult than ever to purchase a gift for the outdoors enthusiast in their life. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission may have just what you’re looking for to brighten their Christmas morning. 

Don’t forget gun locks when purchasing firearms for Christmas

Dec. 19, 2018

LITTLE ROCK — Hunting rifles, shotguns and handguns are some favorite “big-ticket” items that find their way under a hunter or shooting sports participant’s tree each Christmas. Help keep everyone in the household safe by ensuring each firearm comes with a safety lock.

Add a little Christmas spirit to your favorite fishing hole

Dec. 19, 2018

LITTLE ROCK — That Christmas tree that stands proudly above gifts on Christmas morning has plenty of giving left to do if you’re an angler. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has established drop-off locations for all leftover Christmas trees near popular fishing destinations to give them a new life as fish habitat.

Give the gift of habitat to a fish with your Christmas tree this year

Dec. 13, 2017

Once the wrapping paper has been thrown away and the last drop of egg nog has been consumed, few people have a use for that evergreen tree that graced their home during the holiday season. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has a new job for those leftover trees – as fish habitat.

Life-saving Christmas gift ideas for hunters

Dec. 6, 2017

A colleague once received a pair of jumper cables from his father-in-law for Christmas. The only response he could give was, “Thanks, I hope I never need them.” They may not have had the charm of a new set of golf clubs, but those jumper cables have bailed him out of more serious trouble than any sand wedge. Life jackets and safety harnesses fall into that category of unexciting gifts, but they may be the only things under the tree this Christmas that could save your loved one’s life.