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AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

Feb. 18, 2020

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

Jan. 14, 2020

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

Dec. 9, 2019

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

Nov. 18, 2019

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.

Commission takes town hall to Stuttgart

Nov. 6, 2019

STUTTGART — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will hold an open town hall-style meeting from 6 to 8 p.m., Nov. 20, at Grand Prairie Center in Stuttgart. The public is invited to come and ask the Commissioners questions and learn more information about the agency’s work. The auditorium is at the Phillips Community College of the University of Arkansas, 2807 U.S. Highway 165.

Commission approves new veterans waterfowl hunt in Arkansas

Oct. 17, 2019

LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Game and Fish Commissioners unanimously voted to approve special veteran’s waterfowl hunts to coincide with this year’s youth hunts at today’s regularly scheduled meeting.

AGFC Commissioner Meeting Notice

Oct. 15, 2019

You are hereby notified that Commissioners of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will meet on the following dates and times to consider any business that may be brought before the Commission. Unless otherwise stated, meetings will be held at the AGFC offices, 2 Natural Resources Drive in Little Rock.