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Workshops teach landowners how to burn their way to better habitat

Jan. 26, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is hosting special classes this February and March to teach landowners how to use fire to substantially improve wildlife habitat on their property.

Learn to burn at the AGFC’s prescribed fire workshops

Jan. 10, 2020

LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, in cooperation with Quail Forever and the Arkansas Forestry Association, will host special workshops for land managers on how and when to use fire to promote better wildlife habitat on their property. Workshops are scheduled for Ash Flat and Jonesboro in the next few weeks.

Fall fires enhance wildlife habitat

Sept. 18, 2019

LITTLE ROCK — Hunting enthusiasts have their sights set on deer season and are already out scouting in hopes of harvesting this year’s big buck. While most stick close to food plots, there can be some additional places to focus on this fall. One of these ‘hotspots’ looks much different than a traditional hunting location.

Flame on for northern bobwhite habitat

April 25, 2018

LITTLE ROCK - Prescribed fire and bobwhite quail -- one restores a natural process, the other is a natural species. Prescribed fire will take place without quail but quail will not thrive without prescribed fire. How do we get more fire on the ground? We must first understand its benefits and specifically how they relate to bobwhite quail.

Learn to burn with the AGFC at prescribed fire workshops

March 21, 2018

LITTLE ROCK – Landowners can learn proper and safe use of prescribed fire for improving wildlife habitat through a series of free workshops sponsored by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Private Lands Section.