Dove field applications available Aug. 1-15
July 26, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — The opening weekend of dove season is celebrated throughout The Natural State as the unofficial celebration of fall hunting. Although most dove hunting takes place on private agricultural land, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has some special opportunities hunters should take an interest in.

Public options for dove season
Aug. 31, 2022
LITTLE ROCK – Dove hunters searching for a place to hunt still have a few days to scout some fields for opening weekend, but the clock is ticking. In case you haven’t been able to find a location through private fields, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission prepares a few locations on public land for hunters who want to enjoy a first shot at the season.

Attract doves to your field for opening day, but be mindful of baiting laws
Aug. 17, 2022
LITTLE ROCK – Dove season opens September 3. Coincidentally, that happens to be the first Saturday of college football for most of the country. Just like football, an opening day blunder can set the tone for the season. Check fields for any evidence of baiting before hunting, so your midday dove-field tailgate party is full of good memories cheering on your team instead of paying fines for violating federal regulations.

Apply for a dove hunt by Aug. 15
Aug. 10, 2022
Be sure to apply for one of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s 11 permit-based dove fields by Aug. 15 if you’re looking for a fun way to kick off hunting season this Labor Day Weekend. Applications are available at the AGFC’s licensing site https://ar-web.s3licensing.com under the “Special Hunt Applications” tab.

Apply for an opportunity to hunt doves with the AGFC on opening weekend
July 27, 2022
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has eleven opportunities throughout the state this year for hunters looking to hunt doves during the Labor Day Weekend opener. Four of these managed fields are on AGFC Wildlife Management Areas and seven are privately-owned fields the AGFC has leased from farmers to offer additional opportunities for the public to enjoy the kickoff to hunting season.Applications will be accepted Aug. 1-15 at www.agfc.com.

December doves offer second shot
Dec. 1, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – With the opening days of deer and duck seasons in the rearview mirror, some hunters may be looking for a new way to enjoy the outdoors without the crowds. Unlike its original celebration on Labor Day Weekend, the second split of dove hunting holds little fanfare, but still offers excellent opportunities to take aim at some of the most challenging targets in the wingshooting world.

Memorialize their first outdoors adventure with a first duck, first deer certificates from AGFC
Dec. 1, 2021
LITTLE ROCK – Want to memorialize those unforgettable first Arkansas hunting and moments? The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has a special way to say, “Welcome to the hunting community,” with customizable certificates that can be given to a person for their first success in the field.