Apply for a dove hunt by Aug. 15
Aug. 10, 2022
Be sure to apply for one of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s 11 permit-based dove fields by Aug. 15 if you’re looking for a fun way to kick off hunting season this Labor Day Weekend. Applications are available at the AGFC’s licensing site https://ar-web.s3licensing.com under the “Special Hunt Applications” tab.

Apply for an opportunity to hunt doves with the AGFC on opening weekend
July 27, 2022
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has eleven opportunities throughout the state this year for hunters looking to hunt doves during the Labor Day Weekend opener. Four of these managed fields are on AGFC Wildlife Management Areas and seven are privately-owned fields the AGFC has leased from farmers to offer additional opportunities for the public to enjoy the kickoff to hunting season.Applications will be accepted Aug. 1-15 at www.agfc.com.