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AGFC takes to the air for Millwood waterfowl habitat

Aug. 9, 2023

SARATOGA - Thanks to a partnership between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Southwest Arkansas Water District and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission, waterfowl migrating through the southwestern corner of the state will have hundreds of acres of prime habitat waiting on them, all of it delivered by special air delivery.

The high points of low water

Nov. 23, 2022

LITTLE ROCK — Anglers who arrive at a few Arkansas lakes during winter may be surprised to discover that the shoreline has grown since their last trip when the sun’s warmth still blanketed the state. Winter drawdowns are common among many Arkansas lakes, and although they may be a bit inconvenient at a few boat ramps, their benefits to the fishery are unmistakable.

Clean slate waiting for water at Lake Monticello

Nov. 24, 2021

MONTICELLO — After two years of drawdowns and construction work, the city of Monticello was able to close the gates at its namesake lake in Drew County last week, hoping to see the fish and recreational opportunities in the reservoir flourish again once the lake refills.

Lake Jack Nolen set for fall drawdown

Aug. 11, 2021

GREENWOOD — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will lower the water level of Lake Jack Nolen following the Labor Day Holiday. The drawdown will lower the lake’s water level by 3 to 5 feet and should last until mid-winter.

Lake Charles drawdown to begin Nov. 15 for waterfowl, fish habitat benefits

Nov. 4, 2020

POWHATAN — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will conduct a planned drawdown of Lake Charles at least 8 feet below normal pool beginning Nov. 15 and lasting through January 2021. The released water will be used to inundate greentree reservoirs at Shirey Bay Rainey Brake Wildlife Management are for waterfowl habitat.

Biologists planting the seeds for future fishing at Lake Monticello

July 29, 2020

MONTICELLO — With blistering summer heat upon us, most anglers reserve their fishing for the relative comfort of early morning. Fisheries biologists working on Lake Monticello took to that same schedule when they conducted a massive habitat project on the lakebed of Lake Monticello in Drew County last week. Getting an early start Monday through Friday, 15 biologists from across the state joined forces to create an extensive labyrinth of wooden cover in key portions of the lake while it is undergoing repairs.

No drawdown scheduled for Lake Chicot in 2020

Jan. 10, 2020

LAKE VILLAGE — Lake Chicot anglers and landowners looking at a newly printed copy of the 2020 Arkansas Fishing Guidebook may notice an error on Page 60 that may concern them. The Lake Chicot profile on that page incorrectly states a drawdown will be held July 8-Dec. 31 of 2020. The drawdown was conducted during 2019 as part of the lake’s fishery management plan, but the wording also was included in this year’s guidebook.