Aerial surveys show slight increase in Arkansas elk population
March 8, 2023
JASPER — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists took to the skies during the last two weeks to evaluate the status of Arkansas’s elk herd, and preliminary results indicate the population is again on the rise.

2022-23 deer harvest up from 2021-22 season
March 8, 2023
LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas’s 2022-23 deer season concluded Feb. 28, and the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s deer program coordinator expects the final harvest totals to finish higher than last year’s 181,379 total, but likely down about 15,000 deer from where the state has averaged during the last decade.

Bears, bluebirds and Backcountry Hunters and Anglers highlight AGFC meeting
Feb. 16, 2023
MAGNOLIA — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission today heard several presentations on wildlife and fisheries research projects during its monthly meeting, hosted by Southern Arkansas University. In addition to projects presented by AGFC staff on the 2022 Arkansas bear season, commissioners heard presentations by two SAU students working through the university’s Outdoor Campus.

Register with HIP before waterfowl hunting
Nov. 16, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — Duck hunters have been cleaning and painting decoys, scouting property, brushing blinds and cleaning shotguns in anticipation of the opening day of duck season on Nov. 19. Every year a handful of them forget their most important pieces of equipment: a valid hunting license, including federal and state duck stamps and Harvest Information Program registration.

Arkansas youth hunters take more than 9,000 deer in two-day hunt
Nov. 16, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — According to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s online harvest totals, hunters aged 6 to 15 checked 9,153 deer during the annual youth modern gun deer hunt Nov. 5-6.

Deer harvest surpasses 200,000 for sixth straight year
Jan. 10, 2018
LITTLE ROCK - There’s still a month and a half left in deer season for archery hunters, but Arkansas’s deer harvest already topped the 200,000-mark at the conclusion of the second modern gun youth hunt held Jan. 6-7. This is the sixth straight year Arkansas hunters have reached this milestone.

Fifty-three elk harvested so far in 2017
Nov. 15, 2017
Arkansas hunters have taken 53 elk during the 2017 regular elk hunts, and more may be harvested by the end of hunting season, thanks to regulations passed to help contain the elk herd to Boone Carroll, Madison, Newton and Searcy counties.