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Arkansans harvest record number of alligators during 2017 season

Sept. 27, 2017

In two long weekends, Arkansas hunters harvested 94 alligators during the 2017 alligator hunting season, eclipsing the previous record of 66 taken in 2016.

Arkansas bear survey includes opportunity for public participation

Sept. 27, 2017

Just about every hunting camp in bear territory has a tale or two to tell about a mischievous bruin finding its way into their feeder or trash bins. Over the years, those stories have expanded from the Ozark and Ouachita mountains into the southern half of the state, prompting Arkansas Game and Fish Commission biologists to keep a watchful eye on growing bear populations throughout Arkansas. As part of this expanded monitoring effort, biologists are asking hunters and outdoors enthusiasts to help record bear sightings through a simple online survey on

Nonresident WMA Waterfowl Permits available online for regular duck season

Sept. 20, 2017

The purchase option for the new Five-Day Nonresident WMA Waterfowl Permits was added to the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s licensing system today, but the permit will not be needed until regular duck season begins. 

Target infrastructure operation dates for popular duck-hunting areas set for 2017-18 season

Aug. 9, 2017

Biologists with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission have developed later target dates for managing water control infrastructure on greentree reservoirs the AGFC manages. Operation of water control structures will not begin on most areas until Nov. 15, 2017, in an attempt to mimic natural historic flooding timing more closely than previous management.

Arkansas WMA Deer Hunt Permits drawn

Aug. 4, 2017

The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has completed the much-anticipated drawing for permits to hunt white-tailed deer on some of the most popular wildlife management areas in the state. Email notifications for all permit holders were distributed Thursday to inform applicants of their status.

Arkansas Alligator Permit Draw Complete

Aug. 2, 2017

Thousands of Arkansans have been waiting on pins and needles for the last few weeks to find out if they were one of the lucky few who drew a chance at harvesting an alligator in Arkansas this year. Today, 101 individuals got the good news.

Partnership Nearly Triples Public Waterfowl Hunting and Bird-Watching Area in Northwest Arkansas

July 26, 2017

Thanks to a partnership with the Trust for Public Land and Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration grants, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has completed the purchase of new land surrounding Frog Bayou Wildlife Management Area in Crawford County, nearly tripling the size of this popular waterfowl-hunting and wildlife-viewing destination. The final closing of the purchase took place June 17, 2017.