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AGFC cleans up trash at Lake Wilhelmina

Jan. 25, 2023

MENA — AGFC staff and Polk County recently gave Lake Wilhelmina in Polk County a thorough cleaning after wildlife officers were informed of a growing trash problem accumulating around the 200-acre AGFC-owned lake.

Aging infrastructure may force tough decisions at AGFC

March 31, 2021

LITTLE ROCK — A new generation has stepped outside as a result of the global pandemic, discovering the peace, excitement and sense of wonder available through hunting, angling and outdoor recreation. Arkansas is blessed with countless opportunities to pursue these activities. The time has come to reinvest in the resources we’ve come to enjoy so much.

AGFC to plug leaking infrastructure at Lake Wilhelmina

July 29, 2020

MENA — Contractors working with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will close the portion of Polk County Road 125 that crosses the levee of Lake Wilhelmina Aug. 11 to attempt to plug leaking infrastructure that has plagued the lake for the last two summers.

Lake Wilhelmina dam upgrades underway

June 27, 2018

MENA - Anglers who frequent Lake Wilhelmina in Polk County have seen a little less of the lake than usual this year. The lake has been 5 feet low throughout spring and summer, waiting for upgrades to water-control structures.