Decreased participation in hunting, angling hurts conservation of all Arkansas species
Feb. 13, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — Although most Arkansans hold “The Natural State” motto near and dear to their hearts, a continued decline in hunting and angling has Commissioners and staff at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission concerned that the funding for natural resource management is in jeopardy.

Take the Hunter’s Pledge with the AGFC
Oct. 31, 2018
LITTLE ROCK - As the modern gun youth deer hunt begins, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission would like to remind all hunters to take a moment to think about introducing a new hunter this year. In fact, we are asking hunters to “take the pledge,” so to speak, and become a mentor.

Help create the next generation of conservationists with the Beginners Hunt Club
Aug. 23, 2017
Hunting is a way of life, for many it’s passed down from one generation to the next. But what if you don’t have anyone willing or able to be your mentor? The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is accepting applications from anyone wanting to learn more about hunting and the outdoors to participate in a special hands-on learning experience called the “Beginners Hunt Club.”