Engage with the AGFC through online Monarch webinar
Feb. 10, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Witt Stephens Jr. Central Arkansas Nature Center will host a virtual webinar for anyone interested in learning more about the Monarch butterfly and its amazing migration throughout North America. The webinar will be held on the Zoom meeting platform at 6 p.m. Feb. 22. People who are interested in attending the virtual workshop can click here to register.

Wild Science seminars offer updates on current AGFC-sponsored research
Feb. 3, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is hosting a monthly presentation on some of the latest conservation research with which it is involved titled, “Wild Science” for biologists, educators and the general public to enjoy.

Monarch butterfly sees population rebound
May 15, 2019
LITTLE ROCK — For the first time in 12 years, eastern monarch populations are up significantly. The overwintering monarch population numbers, released by the World Wildlife Fund in Mexico, show the highest numbers since 2007.

Help the AGFC track the Monarch migration
April 4, 2018
LITTLE ROCK - Millions of monarchs spent all winter clinging to oyamel fir trees in just a few acres in the mountains of central Mexico. Now they are moving north across the eastern United States and several have already been spotted in south and central Arkansas. Learning where they take a breather during this migration is vitally important to conservationists and biologists throughout the nation, and the public can help.

Monarch butterflies and other pollinators focus of special summit in Little Rock
Sept. 27, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will join its partners in the Arkansas Monarch Conservation Partnership to attend the 2017 Monarch and Pollinator Summit, held Oct. 12 at Pulaski Technical College in North Little Rock.

Help AGFC follow the monarch migration
Sept. 6, 2017
The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is seeking the public’s assistance with a new citizen science project to help the agency answer the question, “Where and when do people see monarch butterflies in Arkansas?”