Ozark Highlands Nature Center earns national recognition
Jan. 5, 2022
SPRINGDALE — The J.B. and Johnelle Hunt Family Ozark Highlands Nature Center and Split Rock Studios were honored by the National Association of Interpretation with a second-place national showing at the organization’s 2021 professional awards ceremony held in December.

New Lake Maumelle loop trail offers birds, blooms and bank fishing
Oct. 27, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — A new loop in the trail system around Lake Maumelle in central Arkansas will take visitors on a tour of scenic views among the open forests of the Ouachita foothills. The 2.3-mile Bufflehead Bay trail was completed this fall, and is sure to be a favorite among bird-watchers and other conservationists looking for a secluded adventure without the long drive to a remote destination.

AGFC to dedicate new nature trail at Lake Hamilton Sept. 21
Sept. 5, 2018
HOT SPRINGS – The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission and The Nature Conservancy will dedicate the new Electric Island Nature Trail at Lake Hamilton on Friday, Sept. 21. Access to the island is by water, so the AGFC will open the event with a special float via kayak or motorboat shuttle beginning at 9 a.m.