AGFC’s Luker earns national recognition for quail conservation
Sept. 27, 2023
MONTICELLO — The National Bobwhite and Grassland Initiative recently awarded Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Biologist David Luker the 2023 Arkansas Firebird Award. The award is presented annually to a biologist in each nominating state who goes above and beyond to improve habitat for northern bobwhites and other grassland species through the use of prescribed fire and other land management tools.

Rock Creek Ranch named Arkansas deer club of the year
Aug. 9, 2023
NORTH LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission named Rock Creek Ranch in Franklin County as the Deer Management Assistance Program Club of the year at the second annual Natural State Landowner Conservation Awards banquet held at the Wyndham Riverfront Hotel in downtown North Little Rock July 19.

AGFC partner plans slate of events for pollinators
June 14, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Quail Forever, one of the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s main partners in habitat restoration for upland birds and pollinators, has a slew of programs lined up for National Pollinator Week, June 19-25, that any conservation-minded person might be interested to attend.

Turkey trending up in recent survey results
March 29, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Turkey hunters have some good news to look forward to this season. According to recent interviews featured in the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Arkansas Wildlife magazine and podcast, reproductive rates have seen slow improvements over the last three years.

AGFC’s newest quail stamp available; new Quail Program coordinator named
Sept. 7, 2022
A new Northern Bobwhite Conservation Stamp for 2022 is available for voluntary purchase, with the proceeds helping fund the Arkansas Game and Fish Commissions restoration efforts for quail in The Natural State.

House of Representatives passes Recovering America’s Wildlife Act
June 16, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Director Austin Booth applauded the passage of the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act on Tuesday by the U.S. House of Representatives. Booth compared HR 2773 as the modern-day equivalent of the Pittman-Robertson and Dingell-Johnson Acts. These two pieces of legislation have funded the conservation efforts that fueled the greatest comeback story for wildlife management in the history of the world, Booth said.

Report your local turkey hatch to the AGFC
June 8, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — It’s been one month since turkey hunters hung up the slate-and-peg or trusty box call in pursuit of one of the most addicting game species Arkansas has to offer, but that doesn’t mean it’s time out for turkeys at the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission. In fact, now is the perfect time to help biologists with the AGFC keep tabs on this year’s reproduction by participating in the annual Wild Turkey and Northern Bobwhite Population Survey.