Operation Dry Water promotes increased safety during extended holiday weekend
June 29, 2022
HOT SPRINGS — With Independence Day falling on a Monday this year, many people are taking full advantage of an extended stay at their favorite lakeside retreat. The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is asking that everyone enjoying the revelry be aware of the dangers brought about by drinking while aboard a boat. To help make the weekend safe, wildlife officers throughout Arkansas are gearing up for Operation Dry Water July 2-4.

Operation Dry Water promotes increased safety during holiday weekend
June 23, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission is asking that everyone enjoying a day on the water during the Independence Day weekend to enjoy themselves responsibly and be aware of the dangers brought about by excessive drinking while aboard a boat. To help make the weekend safe, wildlife officers throughout Arkansas are gearing up for Operation Dry Water July 2-4.

AGFC urges boaters to be safe and socially conscious during holiday weekend
June 30, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — Boating enforcement officers with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission are working hard to keep our waters safe, and want to remind everyone to practice safe boating habits and social distancing recommendations as we head into the Independence Day holiday. They will be ramping up enforcement efforts this weekend as part of the national Operation Dry Water campaign to reduce instances of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Safe boating message catching on with Operation Dry Water
July 10, 2019
HOT SPRINGS – Wildlife officers with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission noted a decline in the amount of citations during the Independence Day holiday this year. More than 2,350 boats and personal watercraft were checked during the national Operation Dry Water campaign with only 83 citations issued.

Operation Dry Water, July 4 holiday lead to more than 200 citations
July 11, 2018
HOT SPRINGS – More than 200 citations and 400 warnings were issued to boaters on Arkansas waters last week as part of two operations by the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Law Enforcement Division, according to Col. Greg Rae, chief of the division.

Weatherington reunited agencies during term as national boating safety president
Feb. 7, 2018
LITTLE ROCK – Capt. Stephanie Weatherington’s time as president of the National Association of Boating Law Administrators may be over, but the initiatives undertaken during her term continue to make a difference on the waters of the nation.

Increased enforcement efforts on lakes, rivers and streams June 30-July 2
June 27, 2017
Wildlife officers throughout Arkansas and the United States are gearing up for Operation Dry Water – a weekend of increased enforcement throughout the nation to prevent instances of boating under the influence of alcohol or drugs. This year’s Operation Dry Water runs June 30 through July 2.