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Unattended baby wild animals might not be abandoned

June 1, 2022

LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas is blessed with an abundance of wildlife and their offspring. Throughout the spring and summer, it is not uncommon to come across unattended baby wild animals. But alone doesn't mean orphaned when it comes to wildlife.

Leave orphaned wildlife alone

April 29, 2020

LITTLE ROCK – Many species of wildlife have their young in spring, and many well-meaning Arkansans regularly call the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission to report young wildlife that looks abandoned. But moving these animals can actually cause more harm than good.

Unattended fawns likely not abandoned

May 10, 2017

Each spring, thousands of Arkansas deer give birth to fawns. And each year, biologists with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission get calls from worried conservation-minded individuals who happen across one of these young deer sitting still in the tall grasses where it is hiding. But that abandoned fawn likely isn’t abandoned at all. In fact, its mother may be just out of sight, waiting for you to leave so she may tend to her young.