Earn a master's degree in fishing with the AGFC
March 30, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — A quick glance at Arkansas’s state fishing records will reveal that March and April hold the lion’s share of biggest fish catches for most species. Only one catch can qualify as Arkansas’s state record for a certain species, but the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission still wants to help celebrate those memorable moments on the water with a Master Angler Award.

Winter walk-in walleye options for Arkansas anglers
Feb. 16, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — Talk to an Arkansas angler about the best-tasting fish, and you’re likely to hear the word “crappie” nine times out of ten. That last response probably will come from someone who’s had the opportunity to fish for walleye and sample what this member of the perch family has to offer at the dinner table.

Trophy-class fish recognized by Arkansas Master Angler program
Feb. 26, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — Late winter and early spring are typically the best times of year to hook into big fish. While only one catch can qualify as Arkansas’s state record for a certain species, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission’s Master Angler program is a great way to recognize all of your trophy catches.