AGFC planning Women’s Outdoor Weekend Oct. 1-3
Sept. 8, 2021
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Game and Fish Commission will host a special women’s outdoor weekend October 1-3 with workshops throughout the state to help ladies learn how to hunt, fish and be a larger part of conservation in Arkansas.

Read Arkansas Wildlife magazine for free
April 15, 2020
LITTLE ROCK — If you’re looking for something to keep that outdoor fire burning while staying your distance from others, the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission has you covered. Every issue of Arkansas Wildlife magazine produced during the last year is now available free.

Mushroom enthusiasts to host renowned photographer
Nov. 28, 2018
LITTLE ROCK - Photographer and adventurer Taylor Lockwood comes to Little Rock on what he is billing as his “final tour’ on Friday, Nov. 30 at 7 p.m. with a show covering highlights of his 34-year career photographing some of the most beautiful and elusive mushrooms in the world. The event takes place at Unitarian Universalist Church of Little Rock at 1818 Reservoir Road.