Hunting dog care featured on Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
Aug. 16, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — Arkansas Wildlife Host Trey Reid with the Arkansas Game and Fish Commission spent some time at the recent Delta Waterfowl Duck Hunters Expo digging up details on how hunters can take better care of their best hunting partner. Visit with Reid and sporting dog veterinarian Jonathan Bradshaw to learn how to make sure your dog is ready for this hunting season.

First turkey between friends
May 31, 2023
LITTLE ROCK — The Arkansas Wildlife Podcast team caught up with AGFC Education Program Specialist Morgan Gantt and her friend and AGFC volunteer Kristen Brown and talked about Kristen’s first successful turkey hunt during the 2023 season.

Listen to Paddle Palooza on Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
April 5, 2023
PONCA — Trey Reid and Jeff Williams from the Arkansas Wildlife crew sit down with Kerry and Debbie Moore of Moore Outdoors on the Big Piney as well Brad Wimberly of Turner Bend Outfitter on the Mulberry to talk about all things outfitters, paddling and stream fishing for smallmouth bass.

Gobble up some knowledge with the Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
March 23, 2023
Award-winning outdoor writer Johnny Carrol Sain and AGFC Turkey Program coordinator Jeremy Wood join Arkansas Wildlife Podcast host Trey Reid for a fun talk about pursuing Arkansas’s largest game bird.

AGFC wildlife officers featured on Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
March 1, 2023
Trey Reid, host of the AGFC’s Arkansas Wildlife television show and podcast joins AGFC Director Austin Booth to welcome two of the AGFC’s men in green.

Catch some ‘shot talk’ on Arkansas Wildlife Podcast
Dec. 7, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — Trey Reid and the rest of the Arkansas Wildlife Podcast crew caught up with waterfowl photographer Lee Kjos at last summer’s Delta Waterfowl Hunters Expo in Little Rock and had a great discussion on the number one way duck hunters can contribute to waterfowl conservation every hunt.

Arkansas Wildlife podcast debuts Oct. 26
Oct. 19, 2022
LITTLE ROCK — People love to talk, so much so that the ubiquitous podcast format has been entertaining and informing listeners for about 30 years.